Spanish Paella Brisbane

Spanish Paella Brisbane
Summary Packages Portfolio
Different, original, tasty and safe catering option for your next event. Our Spanish catering service have been rated with 5 stars by Brisbane City Council and recommended by the most popular food magazine online "Must Do Brisbane"

Our goal is help you to prepare your next event as you can enjoy it like another guest. We understand the difficulty of organizing functions, so let us take care of everything about the food and bring the deepest Mediterranean taste directly to your place with the most traditional Spanish food made in front of you and all your guest.

Our Paella recipe follows the steps of the best Spanish chefs based on Valencia, the city where the original paella came from (the "Paella Valenciana"), which includes the original deep Mediterranean paella taste with the risky and extra tasty "Socarrat", the secret for an unforgettable authentic Spanish Paella.