Terence Pimenta photography - studio-21

Terence Pimenta photography - studio-21
We provide creative professional Photography & Cinematography services (Through our video associates) at Weddings * Engagements* Anniversaries * Birthdays & much more...

Born in the year 2012, Studio-21 Photography has been growing exponentially as a startup with loads of happy clients. Apart from being the birth date of it's founder, the number 21 also signifies an age when you are stepping out of your teens and are full of life, willing to try something new - just like this little company. That's what we will always be.

The team members are young, talented, energetic, full of enthusiasm and wish to take photography to the next level as we move up the success ladder with your love and support.
White wedding headpieces, veils, cover-ups & brooches
Outdoor wedding photo session ideas
White wedding cakes
Wedding buttonhole