Pure Romance by Lynda
Summary Packages Portfolio
Forget the Bars, clubbing, and hangovers..
Get ready for the Ulitmate Girls Night In-Bachelorette Style! Spoiling the bride and her bridal party with Lotions, Potions, and things that Buzz in the Night!! This is one party you DON'T want to miss out on! A Pure Romance party is the perfect excuse to celebrate the bride, laugh a little louder, act a little silly, and learn how to empower one's self through a variety of passion products. The bride is showered with gifts for her boudoir.
From a happy bride:
Lynda is super knowledgeable and completely hilarious! She will definitely keep us in stitches as she takes us through all the products; lotions, potions, edibles & toys! She also keeps a lot of products on hand, so you will definitely be able to go home with a little something;) and all purchases are completely confidential!