Makeup by Anjeh
Summary Packages Portfolio
Freelance makeup artist, Anjeh Bourne, fell in love with makeup at the age of 11. She would always take her older sister's makeup and create different looks. Once her sister started selling Mary Kay™, Anjeh tagged along as an assistant to makeup parties. For two years, Anjeh worked as a beauty consultant at a makeup counter, where she practiced every makeup technique daily on customers. Anjeh spent most of her life learning about techniques, products, trends, tools, and the history of makeup.

Anjeh's passion for makeup has opened doors to several opportunities. She has worked with celebrities including T.I. and Angela Simmons. She has also worked with Oprah's makeup artist of 21 years, Reggie Wells, at New York Fashion week.
White long wedding dresses
White long wedding dresses
White long wedding dresses
Blue bridesmaids
White bridal hair and make-up
Bridal hair and make-up
White bridal hair and make-up
Ivory bridal hair and make-up
Bridal hair and make-up