Brooch Bride
Summary Packages Portfolio
Based in Kent yet currently building a global presence, Brooch Bride designs and creates brooch bouquets; the perfect alternative to your traditional wedding bouquet. Amanda Francomb, founder of Brooch Bride, combines her 25 years of floristry experience with an astute eye for beauty to develop the company's stunning and unique standout pieces.

Brooch Bride offers a variety of wedding brooch bouquet designs including teardrop and heart-shaped style, alongside other wedding accessories such as bridesmaid wands and gent button holes. From Nan's pearl necklace and Grandad's war memorabilia to the finest feathers or jewels, Amanda's creations are one of a kind within the alternative wedding bouquet market.

If you want to make sure your wedding day lasts a lifetime, let Brooch Bride capture it with a piece reflecting your personality, your life and your magical day.
Alternative wedding bouquet
White alternative wedding bouquet
Alternative wedding bouquet
Alternative wedding bouquet
Pink alternative wedding bouquet
Alternative wedding bouquet
Alternative wedding bouquet
Alternative wedding bouquet
Wedding headpieces, veils, cover-ups & brooches
Wedding headpieces, veils, cover-ups & brooches
Wedding headpieces, veils, cover-ups & brooches
Wedding headpieces, veils, cover-ups & brooches
Wedding headpieces, veils, cover-ups & brooches