"Forever after key west" - beach wedding officiant

"Forever after key west" - beach wedding officiant
Forever After/Key West Beach Weddings is a team of professional notaries; we don't offer you a generic ceremony in which you quickly say " I do!" We offer a custom tailored experience based on your wishes, dreams and your past experiences. We offer very unique ceremonies for brides and grooms of most exquisite taste.We have a wide range of ceremonies that will fit most budgets from $149, and provide various discounts during the year.
Our professionals will help you select the best location for your wedding as there are numerous beautiful locations in Key West where you can say I do..
Our venues include beautiful beaches, mysterious gardens, historic forts, romantic sailboats and even conservatory.
Key West Beach Wedding specializes on your special destination wedding, be it a small wedding ceremony on an unforgettable spot in paradise or a larger wedding venue. You focus on each other an we will take care of all the wedding stuff
Beach wedding photo session ideas