Half Cup
What We Offer?
Wedding Cakes, Personalized Cakes and Pastries, Dessert Buffet, Small Venue for Events, Casual Dining and Comfort Food

Why Half Cup?
The truth is we don’t really know too. We listed several possible names like Dessert Home (top contender), Kilowan (1 kilo), Wooden Spoon (closest to our theme), and more or less 20 other names. Half Cup was removed from the list earlier on, until all possible names didn’t really sound good. That was when we looked back at our list and noticed Half Cup. We kept repeating the name until we realized, Half Cup, hummm, seems pretty good that it just might work. Despite the not so beautiful history of our name, we came up with our motto, “We will never be whole because we will always be half of what we could become”.