Paul Styler photography
Paul Styler photography
Dear friends!
I'm Paul Styler and I have been in love with photography for many years, as I got into it when I was 11 and my father presented me my first camera. I think I do not have to tell you that I got my prizes in different international contests and that I manage some large photographic projects, as it will not make me a better photographer. You can see my works and evaluate them, as you can find quite a lot of them on this website. We do not have back rows here – you all are in the first row! Being my passion, fine art photography has always impressed me and it has made me who I am now. My goal has always been to be creative and to make every single work unique. Travelling across the world and working with very different people, I discovered a huge creative potential, which brings my works to life. My goal is to become a master of photography and develop my unique style, which will be completely different from the style of any other master.
Wedding Photography
Wedding Photography