Michelle Anderson (Michell e brant) celebrant
Michelle Anderson (Michell e brant) celebrant
Exclusively uniting the coolest couples in the world!
Of all the Marriage Celebrants in Australia, I am pleased to belong in the "Awesome" category.
I have performed over 200 ceremonies and loved every single one - each has been different
from the next.
Yours will be too. I will create a fresh, lively ceremony that reflects YOUR personalities.

My skill set is diverse: I have a Bachelor of Arts in Drama, I have been an EVENT MANAGER in the UK, Perth and Brisbane and I have been a PUBLIC SPEAKER for longer than I can remember.

As for weddings, I have married people on beaches, chapels, halls, farms, parks, mountain tops and in their own lounge room. I've done dress up weddings (Star Wars was so fun!), musical weddings, elopements and International weddings with translators.

My passion and vitality for creating amazing ceremonies is at its peak. Let's chat on the phone and you can tell for yourself that I'm not a fruit cake.

Michelle Anderson, Registered Civil Celebrant.


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Wedding ceremony