Clay bridal bouquet

Clay bridal bouquet

Bloomingdale, United States of America
 Online: more than a week ago
Chat directly with the vendor to discuss and customise package details
Pay only 50% to secure the booking, fully refundable within 14 days
Secure transactions and protected personal data

Prices and can vary based on the types of flowers, number of colors, accents, and other details you select.
Contract is sent including the details to be included in your bouquet, dates and payments (3 payments to start, after initial review, and after completion).
I can also create coordinating bridal party bouquets, boutonnieres and corsages.

Prices and can vary based on the types of flowers, number of colors, accents, and other details you select.
Contract is sent including the details to be included in your bouquet, dates and payments (3 payments to start, after initial review, and after completion).
I can also create coordinating bridal party bouquets, boutonnieres and corsages.

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 Online: more than a week ago
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