Type of Food to Avoid on Your Wedding Day
If you want to avoid farting in the middle of your wedding vows, avoid eating beans for at least 48hours.
Chewing Gum
When you chew gum, you actually ingested a lot of air as you chew and swallow your saliva. Avoiding the gum will lead to less bloating.
Onion and Garlic
Not only onions and garlic are short-term carbs that can cause bloating, stomach pain, diarrhoea or constipation; they even make your breath smells. Don’t let your groom winch when he kisses you for the first time as man and wife.
Unless you are pretty sure you are lactose tolerance, I suggest avoiding this totally for 24 hours. Stress and anxiety can cause stomach discomfort which dairy products will add on to the uneasiness even diarrhoea.
Spicy Foods
If you are not used to spicy food, it can lead to acne breakout, heartburn, stomach upset even bad breath. Avoid peppers, curry and chilli at least for the next 48 hours.
Foods high in carbohydrates can give you intestinal gas, especially bread and cereal. It will store air and make you feel bloated and grumpy.
Cruciferous Vegetables
Vegetables like cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage and Brussels sprouts contain a similar sugar to beans and require methane-releasing bacteria to break them down in the digestive track.
Coffee may add on to your nervousness and leave you feeling jittery and anxious. Best to avoid and opt in for a cup of soothing herbal tea instead.