Wonderful Engagement Gift Ideas
Know someone who is lucky in love and inviting you to their engagement party? Wow! Now, do you or do you not bring a gift? I’ll say bring a lovely gift along to surprise the lovely couple and below are some suggestions that doesn’t cost you an arm and a leg.
How cute to give two lovely pair of shoes to help the new couple start their first footsteps in their new life.
What about a beautiful unique gown hanger for the beautiful bride? I know all brides would love to have something like this hanging in their wardrobe to bring in all the sparkling memories of her in the perfect gown.
A hip flask for a hip bride. She would appreciate the joke and perhaps sneak a mouthful of whiskey or two to clam her jittery as she prepare to walk down the aisle into the arms of her The One.
Sweet couple tee for the day after the wedding, invite them to wear and walk down their neighborhood to announce their new status!
To remind the groom that his bride holds the key to his heart. Very appropriate especially if the newly wed couple is going to move into a new apartment after the wedding.