Actual wedding say makeup & hairdo
Malacca, Malaysia
Actual day makeup & hairdo
* morning 1 makeup + 1 hairdo
* dinner 1 makeup + 1 hairdo
* RM180 1 touch up + 1 hairdo (if any)
* RM200 additional for HD Airbrush foundation (高清喷枪底妆) (optional and encourage to be chosen)
* outstation charges depends on the distance (if any)
1.化妆 (makeup)
2.发型设计 (hair design)
3.安瓶 (Ampoules)
4.假睫毛 (fake lashes)
6.头饰 (Hair accessory) (rent)
7.项链及耳环 (necklace&earring) (rent)