12 hours wedding cinematography

12 hours wedding cinematography

Los Angeles, United States of America
 Online: more than a week ago
Chat directly with the vendor to discuss and customise package details
Pay only 50% to secure the booking, fully refundable within 14 days
Secure transactions and protected personal data

Up to 12 hrs of wedding day coverage with two international award winning artisan film makers
One unique 3-5 minute highlight film with authorized licensed Music
Uploaded online for private viewing and sharing with family and friends.
Footage is maintained and backed up on three different servers; may add additional edits or revisions at any time.

Up to 12 hrs of wedding day coverage with two international award winning artisan film makers
One unique 3-5 minute highlight film with authorized licensed Music
Uploaded online for private viewing and sharing with family and friends.
Footage is maintained and backed up on three different servers; may add additional edits or revisions at any time.

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 Online: more than a week ago