Bridal bouquet

Bridal bouquet

Jimbaran, Indonesia
 Online: more than a week ago
Chat directly with the vendor to discuss and customise package details
Pay only 50% to secure the booking, fully refundable within 14 days
Secure transactions and protected personal data

1 Bride bouquet
1 Groom Boutonniere
Fresh cut Flower (local & semi imported flower)

Additional information:

Please describe what kind of style,colors and flowers do you prefer
Additional charge is applicable if you would like to add or prefer to use imported flowers (contact us for more info)
Booking have to be made at the latest 3 days in advance.
For Imported flower bouquet the booking have to be made at the latest 7 days in advance.
Delivery service will be additional charge for US$ 5
Please contact us if you have specific request or if you would like us to work on your specific budget.

1 Bride bouquet
1 Groom Boutonniere
Fresh cut Flower (local & semi imported flower)

Additional information:

Please describe what kind of style,colors and flowers do you prefer
Additional charge is applicable if you would like to add or prefer to use imported flowers (contact us for more info)
Booking have to be made at the latest 3 days in advance.
For Imported flower bouquet the booking have to be made at the latest 7 days in advance.
Delivery service will be additional charge for US$ 5
Please contact us if you have specific request or if you would like us to work on your specific budget.

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Jimbaran, Indonesia
 Online: more than a week ago